Saturday, June 16, 2007

and remember... say PLEASE!

how to convince the folks... heehhe wala lang yan.. la akong maisip na title eh..

hayyy... 3 hours break kami ngaun.. amboring.. hehehe ayus ang orientation namin sa p.e... sana yung nalang prof namin sa swimming...

dto pala sa ceu nag aaral si CJ Muere.. first yr lang ata yun... at parang pre dent..

haaaayyy... computer class na next namin... 3 pm pa... shetttt. ang tagal pa.. e di pa naman kami sinipot nung prof namin dun kahapon...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

His poems were free from convention in technique as well as in spirit, although their chief innovation was simply that as a rule there was no regular number of syllables in a line; he let the lines be any length they wanted to be, to fit the sense or the length of what he had to say.. (Reported and interpreted by Otto Rank. As I remarked, nearly all parts of the dream have been brought into this new connection.. No sooner said than done; and our quondam storekeeper a few days afterward attended an extensive sale of real estate, at the Merchants' Exchange.. The question of the unconscious, in psychology is, according to the authoritative words of Lipps, less a psychological question than the question of psychology. It has a bad effect, we find, on their health and spirits to disappoint them of their little pleasantries.. How delightful! she exclaimed. Dickens, a white choker, that in the happy retreat of my own dressing-gowns and jackets my days went by as happily and cheaply as those of another Thalaba.. I forget what a fellow does with the other hand.. You come to my house and you will never so much as hear of it.. He laughed again, and so did the girls.. By reason of the undoubted connection existing between all the parts of dream thoughts, the dream is able to embody this matter into a single scene.. The Colonel artistically paused after this thunderous denunciation. I put the dirt on o' purpose so's to look kind of careless, he half whispered, in an agony of doubt.. He had been beaten again, humiliated before a woman, and that, too, with the best horse that he could hope to put against the ever-conquering squire.. In the sleeping state this may possibly occur through the negligence of the censor; what has been hitherto repressed will now succeed in finding its way to consciousness.. At other times the dream expresses the realization of the desire somewhat indirectly; some connection, some sequel must be known--the first step towards recognizing the desire.. The warm morning air was sweet with perfumes, and silent with heat.. Examples on this point would prove of little value, as nothing but a complete unveiling of the complication in question would carry conviction.. Occasionally an item of his memoranda would come to light, and thrusting his hand into his capacious pocket, where lay the proceeds of his check, he would pay for it upon the spot, and insist upon having it rolled up...

12:30 AM  

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